• Algorithms and software engineering for processing and analysis of digital terrestrial and satellite measurements, construction data (BIM) and spatial information (GIS). 
  • Machine learning based data processing and analysis 
  • Integration of BIM and GIS technologies for construction, including the use of GIS technology to optimize investment processes and the creation, coordination and management of information using digital technologies in construction (BIM) 
  • Design and implementation of SHM measurement systems in civil engineering 
  • Electronic Measurement Techniques, Photogrammetry and Engineering Remote Sensing 
  • Engineering Surveying and Construction 
  • Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) to describe, evaluate and visually represent nature and human activity from both imagery and geospatial information. The results obtained with the help of the developed algorithms are spatially related to each other. Our GEOINT research includes image processing and geospatial information analysis.